2024 Local Election: A New Chapter?

The following letter was published in the Oct 30, 2024, edition of the Brown County Democrat with the title: Candidate claims ‘abuse of power.’  

The local elections in Brown County are a little different this year. The campaign strategy posted on my website reinforces that a monopoly on political power leads to a centralization of power that can benefit the few at the expense of the many.

With your vote, I will work to ensure that all citizens will have the opportunity to help identify the best solutions for the county. This will be supported through better communications regarding the scope and extent of a problem, holding as many public meetings and working sessions as needed, and supporting a collaborative decision-making process.

Many voters may not be aware that just a few individuals in the Brown County Republican party can influence:

  1. Who will be supported as a candidate,
  2. Who can be selected to boards and commissions,
  3. Who can keep and get county government jobs, and
  4. Who should be appointed to fill a vacancy in an elected office.

Six people – 2 of 3 commissioners and four of 7 councilmen, can determine the fate of the county. And 7 of 11 precinct committeemen can determine who can fill a vacancy in an elected office.

As a conservative who consistently votes in the primaries as a Republican, I opted out of an association with the local Republican party, which functions more like a small club. The leadership did not welcome debate on positions and hijacked conservative values and principles to pursue personal agendas.

I consistently vote Republican in the primaries, which qualifies me under state law and party rules to run as a Republican. However, the Chair of the county GOP challenged my candidacy, believing that his opinion should take precedence over state law. The Election Board quickly and unanimously rejected his challenge.

The assessment regarding this abuse of power was further validated when their preferred candidate was defeated in the primaries. A few in their small club recruited and now support an independent candidate. This support for the independent meets the State GOP definition of “Not” being Republicans in Good Standing. Their hope is that the independent, with name recognition and little to no experience with county government, can pull enough votes from Republican and Democrat voters to get elected or at least get the Democrat candidate elected. They perceive that either candidate would be more accommodating to their agenda.

The strategy to prevent me from being elected is supported by a smear and disinformation campaign that becomes successful when individuals do not challenge and investigate false and misleading narratives. Their strategy is motivated by panic and desperation over their potential loss of political power and control. They fail to see that their strategy is an insult to all the citizens of Brown County.

Clara Stanley is among the individuals who discovered the deception. She shared her experience in her Letter published in the Democrat on Sep 17, 2024, “Reader does reversal on commissioner candidacy.

Voters have a responsibility to vote for the best candidate. I am the better candidate that will serve the interests of all citizens. Leadership and collaborative decision-making supported with facts will allow us to better understand our challenges and develop the best solutions for the county. The result will be an improved quality of life for us all. Additional details are available on my campaign website at TimJClarkforCommissioner.com.

Tim J. Clark

Republican Candidate for Commissioner, District 3

Additional Context


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