Voter Turnout and Campaign Strategy: Why Vote Clark for Commissioner?

The Brown County Democrat will be publishing the comments from candidates in the May 1 edition regarding their perspectives on voter turnout and campaign strategies. My response:

To the Voter:

I chose to run for commissioner because I got fed up with cronyism, lack of due diligence in decision-making, and overall disrespect for the citizens. I believe in a government where the interests of the few don’t take precedence over what is best for all.

Voter turnout should be interesting. With a one-party monopoly on political power (Republican), the May primaries typically determine the winner in the November elections. Given it’s a presidential election year and the school referendum will be on the ballot, I hope we have an unprecedented turnout. Despite the results of the vote on the referendum, I will support community forums over the next year on the concerns raised by those on both sides of the issue. The Schools need the support of the entire community. Declining enrollment, which reduces funding, remains a challenge. There are no quick fixes on demographics and housing affordability. New solutions are needed to avoid future consolidations within the county and with other districts.

My campaign strategy is not just a strategy; it’s a testament to my commitment to our community. I’ve identified a specific plan on my campaign website at, incorporating what I’ve observed and learned over the past seven years of attending government meetings. I also share information on what I’ve learned during a career in government.

As an independent thinker who consistently votes in the primaries as a Republican, I vote for the best person in the general election despite a political party label. Issues and challenges at the county level are not red or blue. I served America as a federal employee and Army reservist for over 35 years and 30 years, respectively. I define conservatism as maintaining what is working and improving what is not within the context of the Constitution. Applying some quality improvement methods introduced at can provide us with a common language that supports needed improvements.

My plan and strategy include detailed information on problems, challenges, and specifics regarding my position and plan of action on many issues. I want to assure you, the voter, that I am committed to transparency and accountability. I expect voters, in their role of “top management,” to take some time to review the information, compare it to the other candidate (s), and decide if a focus on transparency, accountability, and improvement will produce the needed results. If elected, I hope the successful execution of the overall strategy will inspire more citizens to get involved in improving the quality of our government and community.

If elected, I am optimistic that citizens will be amazed at how just a few small process changes can produce results from which we will all benefit.

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